Monday, April 3, 2017

Built upon the Foundation of Apostles and Prophets

Anyone who knows me knows that I absolutely love Christmas. I'm the person who starts listening to Christmas music in September and puts up the Christmas tree at Halloween. One of my favorite Christmas songs even says that "it's the most wonderful time of the year." As much as I love Christmas, though, I don't quite agree with that. I think it's the third most wonderful time of the year, after April and October general conference! For those who might not know, general conference is a time when we get to listen to the Prophet, apostles, and other leaders of the church, and we get to hear the counsel the Lord has for the members of His Church.

Imagine being at Mars Hill listening to the sermons of the apostle Paul. Imagine being miraculously led out of captivity by Moses, or witnessing the warning cry of Noah. Imagine seeing John the Baptist as he declared, "Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight." How incredible it would be!

Paul gave direction to the Saints in Corinth, Galatia, Ephesus, and in many other cities. Our prophet and apostles today directs the Saints in Chile, Ghana, England, and all around the world.

Moses led the children of Israel out of slavery to the Egyptians. Our Prophet today leads us away from "the captivity and power of the devil."

Noah warned the people of a literal flood that would soon destroy them if they did not repent. Our Prophet today warns us of spiritual floods that constantly buffet us, wearing away at the foundation of any who are not built upon the Rock of our Redeemer.

John testified and prophesied of Christ. Each of the 15 men whom we sustain as prophets and apostles is a special witness of Christ, and each testifies of the "reality of His matchless life, and the infinite virtue of His great atoning sacrifice" (The Living Christ).

Thankfully, through the great blessing of technology, we can all review the messages from the prophet and other church leaders from conference this past weekend on Two of my favorites were President Monson's talk from Sunday morning and Elder Costa's from Sunday afternoon. I invite you to find a favorite talk from general conference and share it with someone, either in person or via social media. What a wonderful opportunity it is to be able to hear what these Witnesses have to say to us. They have been chosen by God and He speaks through them.

Additional scriptures: Ephesians 4:11-14, Ephesians 2:19-20, D&C 1:37-38, Amos 3:7, 3 Nephi 12:1

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